Nevada Warranty Reimbursement Law
State Law Text:
Sec. 482.36385 Unfair practices: Competition by manufacturer, distributor or branch of factory; discrimination; compensation of dealer; failure to pay, approve or disapprove claim or accept amended claim; sale to unlicensed person; deceptive advertising or acts; audits performed more than 9 months after date of claim; acts relating to appeals of results of audits.
It is an unfair act or practice for any manufacturer, distributor or factory branch, directly or through any representative, to:
1. [prohibition on factory competing with dealer]
2. Discriminate unfairly among its dealers, or fail without good cause to comply with franchise agreements, with respect to warranty reimbursement or authority granted to its dealers to make warranty adjustments with retail customers.
3. Fail to compensate a dealer fairly for the work and services which the dealer is required to perform in connection with the delivery and preparation obligations under any franchise, or fail to compensate a dealer fairly for labor, parts and other expenses incurred by the dealer under the manufacturer’s warranty agreements or any recall service or repairs. The manufacturer shall set forth in writing the respective obligations of a dealer and the manufacturer in the preparation of a vehicle for delivery, and as between them a dealer’s liability for a defective product is limited to the obligation so set forth. Fair compensation includes diagnosis and reasonable administrative and clerical costs. The dealer’s compensation for parts and labor to satisfy a warranty or a recall service or repair must not be less than the amount of money charged to its various retail customers for parts and labor that are not covered by a warranty. If parts are supplied by the manufacturer, including exchanged parts and assembled components, the dealer is entitled with respect to each part to an amount not less than the dealer’s normal retail markup for the part. This subsection does not apply to compensation for any part, system, fixture, appliance, furnishing, accessory or feature of a motor home or recreational vehicle that is designed, used and maintained primarily for nonvehicular, residential purposes.
4. thru 8 [individual claims & other provisions]
Although the statutory text provided above represented that codified and in effect in the respective state at the time of publication of the above, Armatus Dealer Uplift, LLC bears no responsibility for deviations of the above from versions thereof subsequently in effect as a result of future statutory amendments.