Delaware Warranty Reimbursement Law
State Law Text:
§4903. Sales incentives; warranty and predelivery obligations to new motor vehicle dealers.
(a)(1) Each new motor vehicle manufacturer shall do all of the following:
a. Specify in writing to each of its new motor vehicle dealers licensed in this State the dealer’s obligations for predelivery preparation and warranty service on its products, shall compensate products.
b. Compensate the new motor vehicle dealer for such service required of the dealer by the manufacturer, manufacturer.
c. Provide the and shall provide dealer the schedule of compensation to be paid such dealer for parts, work work, and service in connection therewith, and the time allowance for the performance of such work and service.
(2) Notwithstanding the terms of any franchise agreement, it is unlawful for a new motor vehicle manufacturer to recover all or any portion of its costs for compensating its dealers in this State for recalls or warranty parts and service either by reduction in the amount due to the dealer, or by separate charge, surcharge, or other imposition.
(b) In no event shall such schedule of compensation fail to include reasonable compensation for diagnostic work, as well as parts, repair service and labor. Time allowances for the diagnosis and performance of warranty work and service shall be reasonable and adequate for the work to be performed. With respect to parts and labor warranty reimbursement, reasonable compensation shall not be less than the rate charged by such dealer for like services to nonwarranty customers for nonwarranty parts, service and repairs, provided such rate is reasonable service, and repairs.
(1) For the purposes of this provision, the dealer’s rate charged to nonwarranty customers for parts and labor shall be established by the dealer submitting to the manufacturer 100 sequential customer paid service repair orders or 90 days of customer paid service repair orders, whichever is less, covering like repairs made no more than 180 days before the submission of such customer paid service repair orders and declaring the schedule of compensation. The new schedule of compensation shall take effect within 30 days after the initial submission to the manufacturer and shall be presumed to be fair and reasonable. However, within 30 days following receipt of the declared schedule of compensation from the dealer, the manufacturer may make reasonable requests for additional information supporting the declared schedule of compensation. The 30-day time frame in which the manufacturer shall make the schedule of compensation effective shall commence following receipt from the dealer of any reasonably requested supporting information. No manufacturer shall require a motor vehicle dealer to establish a schedule of compensation by any other methodology or require supportive information that is unduly burdensome or time consuming to provide including, but not limited to, part by part or transaction by transaction calculations. The dealer shall not request a change in the schedule of compensation more than once every 9 months.
(2) For the purposes of this provision, all of the following parts or types of repairs shall be are excluded from the calculation:
a. Repairs for manufacturer special events and manufacturer discounted service campaigns; campaigns.
b. Parts sold at wholesale or parts discounted by a dealer for repairs made in group fleet, insurance, or other third-party payer service work or parts used in repairs of government agencies’ repairs for which volume discounts have been negotiated; negotiated.
c. Tires replaced due to normal wear; or wear.
d. Routine maintenance not covered under any retail customer warranty such as alignments, flushes, oil changes, brakes, fluids, filters and belts not provided in the course of repairs.
e. Engine assemblies and transmission assemblies.
f. Vehicle reconditioning.
g. Batteries and lightbulbs.
h. Nuts, bolts, fasteners, and similar items that do not have an individual part number.
(3) A manufacturer shall not take or threaten to take adverse action against a dealer who seeks to obtain compensation pursuant to this provision, including but not limited to, creating or implementing an obstacle or process that is inconsistent with the manufacturer’s obligations to the dealer under this provision.
(4) Within 30 days of receiving the manufacturer’s notice of denial of the dealer’s parts and/or labor submission pursuant to this subsection, any such new motor vehicle dealer may file with the Public Service Commission a protest to the manufacturer’s denial. In the event a protest is filed, the manufacturer possesses the burden of proof to establish that the dealer’s submission did not meet the respective submission requirements contained within this provision. In the event a dealer prevails in a protest filed under this provision, the dealer’s increased parts and/or labor reimbursement shall be provided retroactive to the date the submission would have been effective pursuant to the terms of this section but for the manufacturer’s denial.
(d) & (e) Individual claims provisions.
(f) Recall provisions.
Although the statutory text provided above represented that codified and in effect in the respective state at the time of publication of the above, Armatus Dealer Uplift, LLC bears no responsibility for deviations of the above from versions thereof subsequently in effect as a result of future statutory amendments.